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  1. ssan
    22.08.2017 @ 06:53

    hi dear i want to do your pet

  2. Ezada
    23.08.2017 @ 18:08

    It is not appropriate to address a Woman that you have never met before, moreover a Dominant one, with “dear”

  3. working bee
    27.08.2017 @ 22:45

    A Dream to read, lovely picture of Goddess…

  4. nuli
    28.08.2017 @ 17:49

    A well written story! A good boy trained by Goddess Ezada. It reminds nuli of his first visit to Goddess Ezada in duesseldorf and his first visit to Bucharest. Though the tortures were painful, yet they constitute the important part that cultivates nuli’s deep feelings and absolute devotion to Goddess Ezada, all the time when nuli was with Goddess is nuli’s beautiful memory of the time in Duesseldorf and in Bucharest, as well as in Beijing, The name of Goddess Ezada Sinn is always the equivalent of happiness, sweetness, beauty, ecstasy and intoxication for nuli.

  5. cigarashslave
    25.09.2017 @ 07:11

    Goddess Ezada,

    It is a beautiful story! However, there is a part that has me confused. He mentions something of a “baby bump” and “A pregnant Goddess!” Does that mean you are/were with child? Am guessing your pet just added that as part of his fantasy.



  6. Ezada
    25.09.2017 @ 10:22

    As I wrote in a previous blog entry, I am indeed expecting twins. I am 8 months pregnant at the moment.

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