How to pass through airport security check locked in a metal chastity device
From My slave sit’s blog/personal experience. Take a look on his blog too, it’s worth it.
“As i have stated before Goddess Ezada Sinn prefers Her slaves to be locked in metal chastity. Actually, Her sit prefers the touch of steel as it reminds me of Her far more often than a bio-resin device will ever do.

Goddess sets the schedule of when the device get’s locked on and when it will be removed, usually by Her hand. Unfortunately, the slave lives across the pond while Goddess Ezada rests in Europe. So you have been instructed to fly locked, now what are you going to do? The following is my experience with TSA in the States. For the record Goddess has my neck locked in a stainless steel collar and chastity is titanium and stainless steel.

Let’s be clear here. The TSA has plainly stated that chastity devices ARE ALLOWED. you the slave, will NOT be removed from a flight because you are wearing one. No TSA agent will demand to cut your tiny little dick off in order for you to make your scheduled departure. TSA agents are professional and discreet, they’re just trying to do their job. The ones i actually have encountered, seem to exhibit no real interest in seeing what you have enclosed around your Owner’s property.

To begin you should proceed through the TSA security check procedure as you normally would, without raising any red flags. The collar i wear passed the micro scanner. The TSA agent said neck jewelry is passed regularly. Once you get flagged by the scanner for metal in your groin area, simply tell the TSA agent that you are “wearing body jewelry.” Do NOT drop your pants in public for them to look at you.

They might then have to do a “pat down inspection” in a private secluded area. Remember to keep your pants on. They will check by feel and then might have to swab you for trace particles, you know explosives or the like. That is standard procedure so don’t panic, dried pre-cum residue will pass undetected. Be polite and calm with them, as they want to finish their job so they can get back in line to work.

Keywords to remember:
• Proceed through security as you normally would
• Do not raise any red flags, on your own, before entering the scanner
• Don’t be combative with the TSA agents
• Use the phrase “I’m wearing a piece of body jewelry”
• Do not volunteer for a private inspection, wait for them to request one, you just might pass
• Keep your pants on while in private, TSA agents don’t care what your device looks like, unless they ask
The last think to keep in mind is to give yourself extra time, 10 to 15 minutes. Being later for your flight will not speed things up.

So slave you should have no fear, the next time Goddess Ezada Sinn sends you flying home without a key. Explaining it to your male friends at the gym will be far more dramatic and traumatic, trust me on that one.”

12.11.2015 @ 07:23
Hi there. You are a beautiful Goddess and i would love to serve you. I dont fly but i wondered how that would work. Thanks for the info.
Roger Perry
12.11.2015 @ 14:33
I am never going to visit America or any other Country that does this.
All their security measures are a joke .
The data protection act is also a joke.
If a Government can view all your private information, they can pass it on and do what they like with it; and that includes breaking the Law Of Copyright and Patents !
For example you are working on a Secret New Invention and you have n’t Registered it yet. The Goverment’s automatically know all about its so they can Patent it first !
It s obvious that Governments don’t give a monkeys for your rights as they don’t respect nor honour them.
All our Governments are becoming Dictatorial because they all want a One World Government; except Russia and China and North Korea and Iran etc.
They would rather have WW3 than accept it but that suits the New World Order Peeps as that’s actually what they want ! Think not ? The Google Agenda 21. please.
14.11.2015 @ 17:24
I am apolitical and I prefer not to discuss about these issues. However, I respect everyone’s right to choose what is the best for themselves as long it’s not disturbing/dangerous for others.
17.11.2015 @ 16:08
Ah Goddess Ezada,
Your sit is right those eyes are like a gypsy come to steal our male souls. Of course regarding the metal chastity device why call it body jewelry rather than just letting them know he is wearing a chastity device especially if they already determined to do a body search?
Slave Sagar
16.12.2015 @ 13:28
I wish My Goddess Grants me a Chastity and tease me at her will.