Total darkness … Unable to get up, I have to stay on my knees, and they ache horribly. And I cannot rest my back on the walls, because they are fit out with sharp spikes.
My back hurts, and I await Her return: I hope and fear her return… for so long.
For all participants, Mistresses and submissives, Mistress EZADA’s Summer Camp is an exciting and wonderful memory. In my case, it was a nightmare!
From the first day, September 20th if memory serves, Mistress decided that I had to stay in the villa, while everyone else would go to swim, visit a castle, and go to a small tourist town located by the sea in Algarve, in southern Portugal.
As for me, I had to complete an English translation that my Mistress had waited several months…
The same night, as we served the dinner of our three Mistresses, I was still very disappointed and vexed at having been forsaken all day long, and I could not stand a mockery: they all made fun of me, saying that my way of serving wine, holding the foot of the glass, was strange and ridiculous, and was not hygienic.
Very stupidly, I lost my temper shouting: “I know much better than you do how those things should be done!”, and went up to my room.
Very late in the evening, as I tried in vain to sleep, I heard their heckling and laughing while they were playing with their slaves…
The next morning, I was summoned by Mistress EZADA : “Last evening, your behavior was unacceptable, especially in front of My friends. You have to be punished, really punished. You’ve read the Rules. I have to expel you from the Camp!”
A nightmare, I tell you !
And the following week was even worse, because I soon received an email from my beloved Mistress suddenly announcing that I was no longer her slave, and that she did not want to see me again!
During the last quarter of 2014, I sent over 20 emails to the one I still considered as “my Mistress”, trying to explain what had happened, presenting her my most humble apologies, and begging her to forgive me.
Mistress only replied a few words, still refusing to see me. I was desperate, however encouraged to persevere because she always answered my emails : a few lines too short…
Then I had the idea to ask SARDAX, the well-known artist, a portrait representing Mistress EZADA punishing me, because I had allowed myself to shout in her presence. Therefore SARDAX has composed the portrait you have in front of you: my Mistress wearing only a red corset and long gloves of the same color, smiles contentedly looking at me trapped in a tiny cage with bars bristling with spikes…
The effect was almost immediate. A few days only after receiving this portrait, Mistress EZADA wrote to me:
“You will come to BUCHAREST next month, on January the 7th: arrival at 16 H 15 and departure on the 8th at 12 H 50. I shall I pick you at the airport.” I was so happy, smiling blissfully, dancing around in my sitting room…
I thought innocently that I was forgiven.
Indeed, Mistress picked me at the airport. She was accompanied by Mr. sS, Her personal slave who serves as a driver. She wore a long black leather coat. I could kiss her hand, but without a smile, she said only:
“Follow me!”, then fell silent.
Reaching her building that I know so well, we took the lift, but instead of pressing the button of the third floor, she pressed the basement button.
Astonished, I followed her in a long poorly enlightened corridor: “Where are we going? Is it your parking?”
She answered nothing, but soon opened a door, and pressed the switch. In the middle of a large room, a small cage was suspended. It was exactly like the cage designed by SARDAX: no doubt, my Mistress had sent him a photo of this cage !
“Take off all your clothes!”
While I undressed, my Mistress lit two candles, closed the switch, took off her coat and slipped off her dress… I watched her discreetly, from the corner of my eye, moved and amazed to see her almost naked in underwear: she wore only a red corset and black stockings, and soon pulled on the same red gloves… as in SARDAX’s portrait.
Then she simply lowered her right hand, holding her palm facing towards the ground, to summon me the order to adopt the “waiting position”, kneeling, forehead resting on the ground, facing her. Afterwards, at last, she spoke:
“medor, My feelings for you are… mixed. Maybe I could forgive you; maybe not. May be I could forgive you if you behave well, and accept with courage the punishment I have imagined for you.
Here is a dice. You’re going to roll this dice. The resulting figure will be the number of hours you’ll have to stay locked in this cage. Then we will multiply this figure by 100 to calculate the number of lashes deserved by my awful medor. »
I rolled the dice. I pulled the number 4: 4 hours in the cage, and 400 lashes!
To comfort myself, I thought it could have been worse if I had pulled the 6!
I have been waiting for hours. I don’t know how many. Leaving me, my Mistress blew the candle. It’s dark and I’m cold. My back hurts me because I have been wounded by these horrible spikes, while entering this damned cage that swung.
I hear footsteps. The sound of her boots in the hallway. Somebody is coming. Total darkness… Unable to get up, I have to stay on my knees, and they ache horribly. And I cannot rest my back on the walls, because they are fit out with sharp spikes.
I hear footsteps. The sound of her boots in the hallway. Somebody is coming. SHE is coming !
coming. SHE is coming!
(to be continued)
Story by servant medor. This story is based on actual facts.
The text bellow was written by one of My French devotees. he knows how much I Iove to use the whip on My subjects, so he is probably trying to convince Me that spanking may be an option too. I agree in part with his opinion – spanking can be very humiliating and can be administered almost anywhere without the need for a tool, but spanking is just a small part of My pleasure to inflict pain on My subjects.
Mistress Shane lead me at a steady pace on all fours down the corridor towards the shower and toilet area, if I lagged behind She yanked on my leash to hurry me up, She stopped before the Toilet door and said “Open the toilet door for Me, slave, quickly I need to pee”. I knelt up and obliged by opening the door for this sublime lady Mistress Shane. She hurried me in and commanded “Strip now slave, quickly and assume the position”. I wasn’t sure what the position was and not wanting to show up my Stapana Mistress Ezada, I quickly unclothed and lay on my back in in the shower stall. Mistress Shane, once again took the leash so She was able to manipulate my head whatever way she wished, a yank on the collar to the left or right positioned her new toilet slave exactly as She wished beneath her. This wonderful dominant Goddess then raised her skirt, She wore a rubber catsuit beneath with a zip that ran from the front of her pussy right around to the top of her ass. She quickly unzipped and half stood, half squatted, hands on hips above her new toilet boy. “I am now going to anoint you slave, thank me for this honour”. “Thank you Mistress” I whispered as I watched her towering above me. She let out a groan and a torrent of her warm piss came arching down upon me, She moved her hips as She gushed forth and moved up and down so almost every part of me was covered, this went on for about 45 seconds. Finally as her golden stream started to subside She moved up over my head and squatted right down over my face, She pissed directly all over my face and then into my mouth, all the time pulling on the collar to position my head exactly as She wanted, saying “drink it all down now, that’s a good boy, don’t miss a drop”. A strong hot stream of her Goddess piss splashed all around my face and my into eager mouth, I gulped to keep up with the golden torrent and swallowed as best I could. Finally the flow subsided and Mistress Shane watched the last few drops drip down onto my slave lips. “Ah that’s better, all done now, aren’t You a lucky slave to be used in this way? What’s that I can’t hear You?” She laughed, all the while still sitting on my face, her glorious pussy just inches from my mouth.
I heard a noise and laughter erupted from the doorway, it was the other two Dominant Queens, The young Mistress Larou and my Stapana and owner Mistress Ezada, they had been watching all the time, they laughed and whooped, enjoying my predicament and adding to my humiliation. Mistress Shane laughed also still straddling my face and said “Come closer my dominant sisters and watch this toilet boy lick me clean, there doesn’t seem to be any toilet paper, on purpose I suspect, so his slave tongue will have to do” The other two Dominas walked over, the echo of their stiletto heels on the cold stone flags all the time reminding me of my lowly position. They positioned themselves on either side of Mistress Shane, hands on hips, both towering above us, smiling and eager to see this slave lick every single drop of golden urine from the labia of Mistress Shane. This went on for about two minutes as they all laughed and offered advice and said “you missed a bit”, Mistress Larou even leaning in to pull the leash and better position my head. My Stapana ordered from above “Well done slave, but don’t miss a single drop”. She seemed pleased and finally Mistress Shane all dry now raised herself off my face, zipped herself up and walked away as if I wasn’t even there. I had served my purpose and my humiliation was complete.
The three sublime Goddesses walked laughing to the doorway, my Stapana turned saying “Slave, clean yourself up, you are such a state, shower yourself down but stay naked, we need you to wait on us now in the inner chamber”. I looked up and in the doorway, were stood the three supreme ladies, these glorious dominant Queens, all powerful. The light shone in from the corridor casting a strange radiant glow about their heads. I truly was in the presence of three otherworldly Goddesses, I trembled before them and realised the full glory of female power and supremacy. I bowed my head humbly and looked down at the cold stone floor. (To be continued).
I heard the tinkle of the slave bell, so i immediately dropped everything I was doing and went to the foot of the Queens throne as was the instructed procedure. I assumed the waiting position, hands upturned and awaited further instruction.
After five minutes my Stapana entered, She stepped on both my upturned hands as She walked up the step onto the raised platform, and then took Her rightful place upon The Throne. She stretched out one of Her magnificent booted feet and commanded “Worship my right boot now slave, full strenuous tongue action, and then I will tell You some news”. I started to lick every inch of my Stapanas boot, enjoying the taste of the leather mixed with my own saliva.
For another five minutes I continued like this, bathing the toe, heel and sides of the boot of my Goddess with long servile tongue strokes. Eventually my Stapana raised Her boot a fraction so the sole was more exposed, this was a subtle cue for me to lick the underside of Her boot, dirt included, also at this stage as was customary, I was required to raise my eyes and look at Her in all Her majesty. Her beautiful eyes twinkled as She looked down on me, Her slave and property debasing himself in front of Her. This was how it should be and was now the natural order of things within Her Queendom. Eventually She addressed me “My Slave, you are in for a lucky treat, coincidentally two of my closest and dearest Domina friends will be flying in to Europe from New York later today and as I learned they would both be travelling on the same day to the same city, I invited them both to stay here so we can all catch up. They are both sublime and supreme lifestyle Goddesses and will both be staying here for roughly 24 hours before travelling on. This is a unique opportunity for you Slave to experience true female supremacy, and to be honoured to serve and worship two other Internationally reknowned Dominatrixes. I am counting on you to not show me up and to be on your best behaviour, you will serve both of these fantastic ladies as you would me, your owner and the very basic tenets of femdom guidelines such as averting your gaze at all times, not speaking unless spoken to and your slave head being below all Dominas at ALL times must be strictly adhered to. I want them to see that you have been trained to the highest level of obedience. You will be lent out to them for the full 24 hours and they can use you in any way as they see fit. Is this all understood slave”?
“Yes Stapana” I replied, “can I enquire as to the name of these two divine ladies”? Stapana slapped me full across the face. “Do not ask me a question out of turn slave, you will find out in due course and you will recognise them immediately, now get cleaning up this place, I want the whole dungeon to be themed in the colours red and black, all benches and thrones, just like some of the OWK rooms before it closed. I also want three thrones so get the other two out of storage in the box room, quickly now, I will inspect your preperation later and if not to my liking you will be severely punished, everything must be perfect”, She signalled with Her hand. “Yes Stapana”, I replied and again assumed the waiting position, taking my lead from her Her hand signal . My head was bowed to the floor, my hands upturned to receive the radiance of Her heels on them as She stepped down from Her throne and exited the inner chamber leaving me alone.
I rearranged the room so that on one side there was seating, three chairs and a table and on the other side there was the throne prominently positioned in the centre. I fetched the other two thrones from the box room, they were heavy and took me an age to drag them into the correct symmetry, the three thrones in a close semi circle, a regal display of femdom power. I put a step in place before the two new thrones so each Divine lady would be able to ascend to Her rightful place with the utmost of ease. I draped red throws over black benches and lit some candles and turned on the down lighting. The whole inner chamber looked magnificent, a red and black femdom Queendom, fit for the three Goddesses that would be very soon be holding court.
Presently my Stapana returned to inspect the set up of the inner chamber. “Well done slave, the place looks great, red and black and wicked looking, they will be arriving soon, I gave them directions for the taxi, you will answer the side entrance door and usher them in”. “Of course Stapana”, I replied, my curiosity now reaching fever pitch as to who these two femdom Goddesses would be. I would know very shortly as the side entrance bell sounded. I left the inner sanctum, crossed the courtyard and opened the side entrance. The taxi driver had left their luggage on the footpath and was driving away. Head lowered and silently I picked up but their suitcase and brought them inside to the courtyard, I then gestured humbly for the two ladies to enter and shut the gate after them. My heart raced as I saw who the two lifestyle Dominas were, it was the very beautiful Domina Sophia Larou, a young American Goddess now based in Copenhagen and the wonderful sublime Lady Mistress Shane presently based in Antwerp. It was an honour to be in their presence and I immediately dropped to my knees and kissed each of their royal boots in turn. No one had yet said a word and they stood there letting me lick their boots as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
My Stapana then entered the courtyard and exclaimed her delight at seeing her friends. “Hello my dears, Shane and Larou, so good to see you, I see my new property has already greeted you in the proper manner, ha ha”. “Yes, a good start, he seems enthusiastic” said Mistress Shane in her very sexy American accent. “Yes the correct slave greeting, you seem to have him trained well my dear Ezada, you are such a perfectionist” Mistress Larou said matter of factly. “Yes ladies, he is still in training but coming along nicely, he’s very excited like a young puppy at the prospect of serving three lifestyle Dominas at the same time, true female supremacy. Needless to say he is totally 100% at your disposal to use and abuse as you both see fit over the next 24 hours”. “That’s good to hear” said Mistress Shane, as I’m dying to pee after that taxi journey and need a Slave toilet to use quickly, is he used to being used as a toilet?” “Of course” replied my Stapana, “he serves me in the bathroom or I use him during the night as required, he is accustomed to it now”. “Great to hear” said Mistress Larou, “I always like a good compliant toilet slave also as you know, full service”. The three beautiful Goddesses laughed at this last remark and then continued to chat amongst themselves as if I didn’t exist. I was merely their owned chattel for the next 24 hours, my job to serve and worship them completely. My Stapand finally gestured with her beautiful gloved hand and I carried the suitcases inside careful to keep my eyes averted from the three Dominant Goddesses. “Get the tea and coffee ready slave, my two guests are tired after their journey, and Shane do you need to use him as a urinal”? “Well yes Ezada, I do need to relieve myself and would prefer a willing compliant instead if a cold commode”. With this my Stapana beckoned me to return and grasped the leash around my neck and handed it to Mistress Shane and told her where the toilet was situated. Mistress Shane pointed silently to the ground and I at once got down on all fours. She pointed again at each boot and I in turn ran my slave tongue over each toe and heel. She seemed satisfied, said “Good boy, you will do” and yanked on my chain to follow her. I followed like a good obedient doggy, her stiletto heels clicking on the cold stone corridor as She led me to the shower and toilet area, a woman I had met only 15 minutes earlier was now leading me away to use me as Her toilet as if it was the most natural and normal thing. After all She was a supreme dominant Goddess, I was Hers for usage for the next day at Least, as was Her divine right. (To be continued..)
These are my prayers to You my Beautiful and Powerful Goddess:
text and image by devotee Chris
Goddess Ezada Sinn ,The Creator of Everything
Ezada Sinn, My Goddess,
I am Your follower
I am Your believer
I am Your slave
I accept You as my Goddess
I accept You as my only belief system
I believe in You
I belong to You
You are my Superior
Thank You for creating me with knees so that i can bow in front of
Thank You for creating me with lips so that i can worship Your Feet
Thank You for creating me with mouth so that i can be Your ashtray
Thank You for creating me with hands so that i can hand You my
chasity key
Thank You for creating me with holes so that You can play with me
Thank You for creating me with voice so that i can say loudly that
You are my Goddess
Your Feet is my altar of worship and prayer
Your Saliva is the Nectar of life
Your Champagne is the Essence of life
Your Holy Sanctum is my Religion
Goddess Ezada Sinn ,The Leader
I am Your slave
I belong to You
I believe in You
You are the One
The true Leader
The true Goddess
I am at Your mercy
I beg for Your guidance
I crave Your attention
I am addicted to Your Superior dominance
I am greedy for Your breath
I pray to Your Highness
Your Divine and Mighty attitude
I am longing for Your control of my attitude
I pray to Your superb appearance ,my Goddess Ezada Sinn ,in public
I belong to You
I obey You
I follow You
Years of futile search, now a dream coming true
Acceptance, training, collaring, one of a select few
From darkness to light, She leads, slowly, gently
My Mistress Ezada, She is the key.
Invading my senses, reaching into my soul
My mind now focussed on just one goal
Repressed feelings, deep desires being set free
The beautiful Goddess Ezada, She is the key
My head and heart now filled all day long
With this incredible Lady, sensuous, powerful, strong
Taking me to heavenly places I could never foresee
The amazing Mistress Ezada, She is the key
Now the flames of desire to submit serve and obey
Burn deeper inside me with every passing day
A wave of fresh new happiness washing over me
My divine Goddess Ezada, She is the key
The joy of discovery, the journey of a lifetime
The most supreme Goddess, divine and sublime
And so to the future this is how it will be
My wonderful Mistress Ezada, forever the key.
After being finally accepted as the true chattel and slave of the supreme Mistress Ezada, my daily slave life settled into a routine of sorts. The essence of my servitude was exactly that, to serve my Stapana as a living Goddess. I was her slave, She owned me and could do with me as She wished.
There were three basic pillars of servitude on which my submission was based;
#1- Whipping. I was whipped on an almost daily basis, this was to discipline me for any minor infraction I had perpetrated either real or invented by My Stapana. It was also to remind me I was mere goods to Her and She could mark me as She wished, anytime day or night on a whim. I learned to love the lash, and now looked forward to receiving the stinging pain for Her and wore the red welt of Her whip on my skin with pride.
#2 – Chasity was the 2nd pillar of servitude I adhered to on a daily basis. My pubic hair area was now shaved, and I wore a locked chasity device over my flacid cock. The key My Goddess wore around Her neck as a constant reminder that She was the gatekeeper of my genitals. My male member and testicles belonged to Her now absolutely. She decided when I was allowed to cum, either to ejaculate in Her honour in a worship ritual or simply to milk me for health reasons. I was either allowed to quickly jerk off onto the toe of Her magnificent boot, or She would wank me expertly to the brink of release, stopping at the last moment, hence ruining the orgasm, but spilling my slave seed all the same. If time permitted She would peg me with one of Her many strapons, massaging my aching Slave prostate until I shot my load via anal massage. This was my favourite means of release as my slave cock wasn’t touched at all during the act. Needless to say I was required to ingest my own mess after any of these milking sessions, there was to be no sign of any man cum anywhere, floors, boot tips and other surfaces were to be licked spotless. These releases became less frequent as my training increased, with the emphasis now more on servitude NOT play. My balls were constantly full and swollen, my brain was in a femdom fog, every action controlled by my Stapana.
#3 – Boot worship. This became an increasingly important ritual between myself and my High Priestess. To simply be allowed to kneel before Her and run my slave tongue over Her magnificent boot cemented the heirarchy in Her Royal court. My rightful place was below and beneath Her, licking the dirt off the bottom of Her sole if permitted. These prolonged boot worship sessions strengthened my slave tongue, now hardly used to talk at all, but simply to lick and clean as ordered by my Stapana. After collapsing exhausted at Her feet after many hours of boot adoration my Goddess would let me recover, Her feet resting on my back, the slave as convenient footstool for Her glorious feet, but also reinforcing the fact that I was just an object in Her eyes, nothing more.
This evolution of the male chattel into human furniture under the boot of my Stapana, turned into many hours of experimentation as to the best use of the humble slave around the home. I was used as a human coat rack, a male book shelf, a man table holding coffee cups and saucers…. But inevitably it ended in a whipping for me as a lot of these positions were impractical and unsustainable.
Eventually my Mistress took to using my face as a human cushion, my face was now Her seat and was under Her ass for many hours as She read, or watched a movie or chatted to one of Her Domina friends on her mobile She would casually mention that She was at that moment Queening Her property under Her Royal ass, that he was the luckiest slave in the world to be allowed to be under there. As I was discussed as if I didnt exist as a person at all, She would shift Her weight so Her asshole was right on my mouth blocking any air I might breathe. Usually I would revel in the fact that my Stapanas divine asshole was on my servile mouth, but now I could barely breathe, as I thrashed about beneath Her i could hear them both laughing at my predicament my Stapana adding that I hadn’t been fed since yesterday and if I was very lucky I would be fed directly from her magnificent bottom. Unfortunately although I begged Her this did not happen, although occasionally and more frequently She pissed directly in my mouth, to quench my thirst but also do She didn’t have to get up to go to the bathroom, why should She? when She had Her own personal toilet right there…under Her ass .
I was fed mashed up food from a bowl at Her feet, I had to lick and feed from both Her feet in turn, or else She fed me like a dog, having to beg and then jump to catch the food, then licking her gloved hand clean.
As my Stapana controlled when and what I ate, She devised ever more devilish and ingenious ways of humiliating me. Her favourite was to order me to cook Her a nice nutritious meal. I would wait on Her, pouring Her wine and changing the cutlery, all the while chained, then forced to kneel at Her feet when not required. She would snap Her fingers and I would assume the ashtray position, slave mouth open to receive. ..,but instead of cigarette ash She would drip a mouthful of half chewed good from Her own mouth into my own. The humiliation was intense, She was telling me that I was only fit to receive Her half masticated food, the scraps from Her very mouth combined with her spit, but I ate it all as ordered, simply a vessel for Her waste, and I thanked Her for it, for keeping me Her property alive, so I could livecto serve Her for yet another day…
(to be continued)
I would gladly have lain in a pool of my Stapana’s divine piss all day if need be, but I started to tidy up as commanded. I washed down the shower stall and then washed myself, washing off the sweat, blood and tears of the hours spent recently submitting to Her. My back was a criss cross of welts from where She had whipped me, they really started to throb with pain now, a constant reminder of my suffering for Her…no more swimming for a while. There was no towel, so I would have to drip dry, I stood there naked and started to shiver. I searched for my clothes but Stapana had taken them with her into the house, I was completely helpless and at her mercy, naked and locked in her dungeon with no way out.
I washed the soiled strapon from earlier, remembering how it had been deep inside my ass, and the feeling of being completely filled up inside. My ass was very sore and I also wasn’t sure if I liked being fucked by a big strapon like this but I suppose I had no choice now? I worshipped this woman as my supreme Goddess and if She wished to use me in this way so be it, I would have to endure this for her, the sight of Her wearing a big rubber cock was very erotic and arousing but having it slammed up my asshole repeatedly was another matter.
I looked around my Stapanas dungeon and was amazed by all the different outfits She had hanging there on a rail, a bewildering array of latex and leather catsuits, skirts, corsets and dresses. I inhaled deeply, the smell of the leather intoxicating me. She also had a huge collection of boots of various types and sizes. My favourites of course predictably were the thigh highs. What slave doesn’t go weak at the knees when confronted by a beautiful, powerful Domina wearing a pair of thigh high boots? The first reaction is to fall to your knees and run a servile tongue over the heel and toe. I took one of my Stapanas smaller leather boots and smelt the interior, I could still detect a faint smell of Her sweat on the inside. I inhaled the beautiful powerful aroma of the feet of my Goddess, the scent of Her mixed with the leather made me light headed again.
There was also on the walls a collection of illustrations of various classic femdom scenes set in dungeons, castles and Chateaus, and a few portraits of my Stapana also. The artist had signed his name Sardax. The drawings were very accomplished and you could tell a lot of effort and joy had gone into each one. I liked his work immensely.
The key turned in the lock and my Stapana quickly entered, She had changed and wore her house coat again over the catsuit. “So slave, what are you up to now? snooping around my possessions, sniffing my boots, are you? Ha, ha. Freud would have a field day with you. You are a slave in training so a newbie, but whenever I or any of my dominant Lady friends enter a room, you must act accordingly. Your slave head must be ALWAYS below any superior females, you must not look me directly in the face or talk until you are spoken to. I will only ONCE show you my ten slave positions and you must memorise them and learn them by heart, the signals and the positions you must assume, and you must be quick. I want a fit alert slave. Remember there is a long line of submissive men begging me every day to be collared and to become my property, so if you don’t shape up you will be cast aside. I will email you a pdf so you can refer to and memorise the positions, I will test you on them, if you make ANY mistake you wil be beaten. Slavery is not always about play, IT IS ALSO MAINLY SERVING, but I am usually a good judge of character and see something in you slave r that interests me…the potential and deeply felt need in you to be fully owned by a strong powerful dominant Woman twenty four/seven, to be controlled under slave contract, mind body and soul. I want a male slave to own as my personal goods, ultimately branding him with my ownership mark, my initials as you would an animal in the field.”
With that my beautiful Stapana showed me Her ten slave positions, the hand gestures and the positions to be assumed. I memorised then as best I could but would have to learn them properly later. I then assumed the waiting position, kneeling, head bowed to floor, hands upturned as is required.
“Good Boy, you are learning quickly, now I will inspect your cleaning and see what kind of a job you have done. As well as your day job at the office you will be required in the evenings and at weekends also to keep this dungeon spick and span, you will clean and look after my latex and leather outfits, and polish and clean my boots. You will live here, and if after a period I am happy and satisfied with your progress I will let you Into the main house, you may sleep at the foot of my bed, as I may have use of you during the night or to assist me with my toilet in the morning. How does that sound slave? Frightened?”
“Yes Stapana, giving up so much frightens me, but it also excites me, the thought of being owned completely”.
“Enough talk, this is the room where you will live for your trial period. You will be locked in at night and chained to the wall by your collar. You will also wear the collar to work under your shirt, it is a constant reminder of my hold over you and that I own you. You are not to talk to me at work or come up to my office floor, you will leave this house each morning by the workman’s side entrance,the one that’s used for deliveries. In time I will manipulate it so you will be assigned many of my work tasks and I will delegate what you do from afar. I may give up work completely, we will see in time.”
I was lead by my leash on all fours into my new slave quarters or cell, there was a basic wooden bed and a blanket, it was not cold now but would be freezing in winter time. There was a circular ring set into the wall like a medieval prison, it was here that I was to be chained naked each night. There was a basic Latrine in the corner, and a table, chair and lamp.
“I will turn off the light each night at eleven o clock, the switch is outside so it is I Your Goddess and owner that will control the very light that you see by, I may also check on you periodically through the spy hole in the door to make sure that you are behaving yourself. When you are not cleaning or serving me in the house I will set you tasks here to keep your mind from straying. I will control you completely, I want to eventually get it to the level where you can’t do anything without me controlling it and in turn controlling you completely as my compliant chattel. You will write out lines like an errant school boy or you will be given tasks to achieve like learning to speak Romanian. You may also set up here in your jail cell an altar dedicated to my honour, you can print out your favourite images of Your Stapana and have them displayed prominently so I can be worshiped daily. You may also have keepsakes that i may occasionally toss to you like pairs of my used soiled panties or canes I have used to beat you with. You will kiss the canes and smell the soiled and perfumed panties when I am absent to enforce my rule even when you are not in my wonderful presence. My face and scent will always be with You and my eyes will forever be watching You and looking into the very depths of your slavish soul, remember I now know all your weaknesses slave r and I know your every move and desire better than you do yourself. Now kneel and kiss the feet of your owner, Stapana and Goddess”.
I kneeled and placed a tender kiss on her booted foot, and with that Stapana led me back outside into the dungeon to inspect my cleaning. “Tut tut slave, what have we here, the dungeon toilet hasn’t been cleaned properly, you don’t expect a dominant Queen such as myself that is used to the finer things in life to have to sit on a toilet that isn’t 100% spotless? If you are lucky you may be assigned to be my toilet boy occasionally and serve and wait on me here, kneeling by the commode head bowed holding the toilet paper, wiping me front and back, or even as a special earned treat cleaning my ass fully with your tongue…but if the toilet is not cleaned and in immaculate condition that will never happen, understood?”
“Yes Stapana” I said, my head bowed, the toilet looked ok to me and she was finding fault on purpose but the suggestion that I may be allowed sometime in the future to lick her magnificent asshole clean made me determined to have the toilet scrubbed as if brand new.”Now get down on your hands and knees and scrub that toilet till it sparkles.” With that She grabbed my head pushed it down into the toilet bowl and pulled the handle, my head was flushed with the toilet water. She then chained me to a ringlet at the side of the toilet, She tossed me a toothbrush and said “Get scrubbing slave, if its not perfect you will be cleaning the bowl with only your tongue next time., and if its not right you won’t be fed today understood?”
“Yes Stapana” I quietly said, resigned to my fate yet more excited and elated that I had ever been before. I felt the energy flow between myself and this amazing woman I obeyed and worshipped. She was the Dominatrix I had found when lost and stumbling in the wilderness, i was the slave enduring her tasks and training, being slowly moulded into the object She ultimately wished me to become for Her.
” I will return in ten minutes, all had better be cleaned”. I quickly scrubbed and cleaned the toilet, inside the bowl and around the sides, it was totally spotless, just in time as Stapana returned again. She stood above me hands on her hips inspecting my work, would She find fault and beat me or would She be pleased?
“Well done slave” She exclaimed clearly pleased, “you are getting the idea, here is your reward”. She placed a silver dog bowl on the floor, it had the letter R on it for slave r i presumed. In it were leftovers from Her meal that She must have had in the main area of the house, scraps of meat and lumps of what looked like potato and carrot mashed together. She simply pointed at the bowl without speaking. I was starving so lowered my head into the bowl and proceeded to eat, just like a dog, at Her feet. To complete the humiliation She placed her boot on my neck and forced my head further down into the bowl. She alternated between two hands, Her left hand pointing to indicate that I should eat from the bowl and the right hand pointing to Her boot, so as She pointed I changed between eating from the bowl to licking her boot clean. The taste of leather was intense. I ate greedily not knowing when I might be fed again as now I was simply Her property and She controlled even when I ate. My fate and future were entirely in Her hands.
After I had licked the bowl clean, She broke up a few actual doggy biscuits and sprinkled them in the bowl. She pointed again, and I started to feed on my desert, but it was very dry and I had trouble eating. My Stapana could See this….”Slave lie on your back doormat position with mouth open again”. I lay there, in one movement a plastic funnel was placed in my mouth and Stapana squatted over it, with Her catsuit zip opened. A steady stream of Her divine and hot Goddess piss hit the back of my throat, I quickly swallowed and the dryness from the doggy biscuits immediately vanished. It was the 2nd time i had tasted my Stapanas urine that day, the taste of it was growing on me like a fine wine. Then Stapana got off my face and squatted instead over the dog bowl, She filled it to the brim with the last of Her superior Domina pee. Without needing to be told I dipped my slave tongue in the bowl and started to lap up Her yellow offering, occasionally I would look up and see my Stapana cruelly smiling, hands on hips. She didnt seem to mind me looking directly at Her without being told, our eyes met and She laughed, enjoying the sight of Her pathetic piss drinking slave beneath Her, who She now owned totally. My humiliation was complete, yet I reveled in the abasement She meted out to me. The crueller and more devilish the punishment, suffering and humiliation She dished out to me the more I loved and worshipped Her, I knew deep down She cared for me and admired the lengths I was willing to go to sacrifice my body for her and ultimately please Her.
“Ok, that’s nearly it for tonight slave r, you will spend your first night in the cell behind bars and then back to work on Monday. I will give you new bank details that I want you to from now to transfer your monthly wages into. All your money goes to me your new owner, you will have to ask permission to go out in future and also ask for some pocket money, also you give notice to your land lord that you will be moving out of your house.
Dont forget to polish my boots and latex outfits tomorrow, you will clean and polish them each day for me, and if any dust anywhere or fine incorrectly you will be punished. Real slavery is serving and working FOR ME….and and one last very important thing in case I forget”……
With that my beautiful Stapana, held up a smallish transparent chasity Device. “Present your cock and balls to your Stapana slave” She grabbed my balls, gave them a squeeze and examined them quickly. “Yes nicely emptied earlier” She slipped the chasity device over my flaccid cock and locked it at the top with a small lock.
” Now slave we will have a very quick mini ritual to celebrate your first chasity Device, repeat after me these words……I slave r vow to be a chaste slave for my Stapana. My cock and balls i offer up as Your personal property. This chasity Device bonds me with You physically but also mentally I am bound to You. I worship You for eternity “. I repeated the words verbatim then I had to kiss the key which my Goddess then placed around her neck on a light chain necklace. I then kissed each cheek of her ass as a servile show of devotion to seal the ritual. She told me that I would be allowed to cum occasionally, my balls emptied either through a ruined orgasm or if possible by prostate milking only. Also in time She would reinsert the butt plug each morning before work so my slave hole would be open for her throughout my working day.
Later lying on the hard wooden bunk, with the itchy blanket around me, a chain running through the ring on the front of my slave collar, the other end shackled to the wall, I pondered my first night of proper slavery and thought of my Stapana ensconced in Her luxurious bedroom. So many thoughts went through my mind, would I pass Her stringent trial period and graduate to full time collared slave or would I be cast aside? would I earn the mark of Sinn and would She brand me with Her initials to show Her ownership of me until the day I die?…. I would continue to think of Her well into the night until I drifted off to sleep, and in the morning She would be my first waking thought, my high priestess, unique living Goddess and magnificent Stapana Ezada Sinn.
My Stapana opened the cabinet and stood with Her hands on her hips examining the contents, She was looking at a row of strapons, all different sizes and colours, some with a huge girth and length, others skinnier and shorter. She ran her hand over the heads of a couple and them chose a mid sized brown strapon rubber cock.
A Dominatrix wearing a strapon is one of the most powerful femdom images. Stapana Ezada strapped the rubber cock on over her latex catsuit, and grabbed the shaft in her right hand, she wanked her hand up and down as if jerking off and said sternly ….”Do you like my big Brown cock slave, its bigger than yours”! She walked over and grabbed me by the hair, and forced my head into her crotch. “I will now teach you to worship my strapon slave, it will also help to lubricate it before I thrust it deep inside you.” I took the rubber phallus in my slave mouth and bobbed my head up and down, it was quite wide and Stapana thrust it right down my throat, her hand behind my head forcing it deeper into my face. “Suck my big rubber cock bitch” she said. She withdrew the strapon from my mouth and stood above me, hands on her hips with the rubber prick looming above me, this sight will forever be with me. Silently she took my leash and turned me and bent me over a bench, and handcuffed me to it. I was lying with my ass upwards totally exposed with Stapana behind me, the leash in one hand jerking my head back via the collar the other with a crop in it to strike my balls or ass or wherever she wanted. ” I am now going to deflower you slave r, I am going to fuck you up the ass with my strapon cock, after this act you will forever be my bitch, do you want this”?..”yes please Stapana…..”. I whispered. With my head half turned I could see the amazing Stapana Ezada Sinn roll a condom over the head and down the shaft of the rubber cock, she also applied some lube. Now She was ready to fuck me in my ass. Stapana rested the strapon on my right ass cheek, She was toying with me, making me aware that the strapon was quite large, much bigger than the butt plug and her finger from earlier. I could feel Her so close, right behind me, a superior lifestyle Dominant Mistress about to shaft a male slave and make him even more mentally bound to Her…..another stage in the gradual process of his journey further into Her femdom universe from where there would be no return…He would eventually be owned totally, his every waking moment dedicated to the well being and pleasure of his mistress and high priestess. He would be pierced, branded, head shaved, a permanent soldered collar placed around his neck, all signs of his allegiance and his status as…..owned property of Mistress Ezada Sinn.
Stapana quickly and without warning moved the tip of the strapon directly to the entrance of my ass, She owned my slave hole and was going to ream it. She slowly and methodically thrust the rubber cock into my virgin ass, my ass dilated to accomodate it, welcoming it deep inside. I was invaded and violated and felt filled up. Stapana’s cock was now half way in, She paused and yanked on the leash, my collared head jerked back….she said in her sexy European accent into my ear …..”Do you like that bitch? Being filled up with my big cock? You will be a proper whore and take it all for me without whimpering, won’t you slave r “? I was unable to answer as I was starting to sweat and was focusing on this strapon up my arse, and wondering would I be able to stand it. With that Stapana started to thrust back and forth, gradually moving the strapon in and out of me, starting to fuck me properly, I gasped and my hands pulled at the restraints holding me down, but there was no escape, my Stapana had me where She wanted me… Strapped to a fucking bench with a big rubber cock deep inside me. I felt a slight need to pee, bit it quickly passed….”There is no escape slave r, I am savouring this moment, I love to deflower anal virgins, you are now just another slave whore, you are nothing but my strapon slave”, with this Stapana started to thrust more vigorously and I cried out in shock and pain, I felt like my ass was being torn apart and totally filled up and invaded. “Be a little more patient slave and it will get better, my filthy slave boy”.
My Stapana was clearly very aroused and had now thrusted the rubber cock right up to the hilt so that with each thrust her pelvis was slapping off my ass, i could smell her pussy juice in the air behind me. My balls now hung down loosely, my cock no longer hard, how could it be as i was being rammed up the ass by this amazing Dominant woman. There was only room for one hard cock in this scenairo, and it was a big rubber one! I was in a daze and moaned slightly the constant in and out of the strapon penis now becoming pleasurable, I groaned again…”You are moaning like a girl now slave, You ARE my bitch now”…I could feel my Stapana was close to orgasm, all this slave fucking had excited Her, this was the most important thing for me, that She would extract some pleasure from this encounter, She thrust the strapon deep into me one last time, and yanked back hard on the leash my head jerking back, I felt my Stapana shuddering, She said something in Romanian as She climaxed, and i at the same time cried out in pain, the last thrust of the rubber cock almost finishing me. Pleasure for the Mistress, pain for the slave.
Stapana quickly recovered her composure and released herself from the strapon, but She left it in my ass. I was still strapped to the fucking bench, covered in sweat with a strapon with its harness attached sticking out of my slave asshole.
Stapana now sat on Her throne and simply looked at me without speaking, this completed my total humiliation. Finally She said “slave r your slave training has advanced alot in these few brief hours, you have experienced your first whipping from your owner and ruler, and also I have taken your anal cherry, all these acts of suffering bring you closer to me as I see that you are willing to suffer for my ultimate pleasure. As you are now, strapped to my fucking bench, get used to it as it will be a constant in our relationship, have you anything to say” ….All I could manage was a hoarse whisper “Thank you Stapana”…”ha the slave r is short on words for once”….she laughed “you deserve a reward now slave, I know you are obsessed by my magnificent bottom, you have already begged me to kiss and worship it a few times, so now I will grant you the honour”.
She walked across the room, pulled the strapon from my rectum and tossed it into a tray “before you leave slave You will wash any mess off that rubber cock and tidy up in general”…” Yes Stapana” I replied.
Once the strapon was removed and I was released from the bench I felt myself calming down, Stapana walked me across the floor on all fours towards her throne, I could feel some life coming back into my own cock, my balls once again tightened and I got a raging hard on…but how could I not? Being led on a leash behind the magnificent Ezada Sinn.
“Now slave I am going to allow you to worship me, I want to catch up on some reading, theres a fantastic Romanian author called Liviu Rebreanu that I like very much and I have been meaning to finish his book “Adam si Eva” for some time now, and I want you beneath me when I read, would you like that slave? We will start with some boot worship, on the floor on your back now!” Of course I would like that, any chance to worship my Goddess, my Stapana and ruler I jump at the chance, I quickly lie on my back with hands upturned. Stapana steps up to take Her place on the throne, as She does She places Her heel on each of my upturned hands and puts all her weight on them, the pain is sharp and excruciating, but I suffer it for my dominant high priestess. “Worship my heels and boots slave, I want to see that tongue out and licking, if I am pleased you may worship my ass”… These last words leave me breathless as I am obsessed by my Stapana’s ass, it is perfect and my dream would be to be allowed to bury my face between Her magnificent cheeks for hours on end ……but alas a slave can only dream.
I licked at my Stapanas boots and heels for what seemed like an age, She occasionally yanked on my leash to direct me to a part of her thigh highs She wanted me to concentrate more on, my tongue ached with the exertion. All the while She read Her book, turning the pages and occasionally drinking from a glass of red wine. Finally She put down the book and said “Hmmm, slave, all your slavish devotion is arousing me again , its time for some latex face sitting, sit up”, I sat up and Stapana pulled out a sliding bench that sat under the throne, it enabled a body to lie full length beneath the chair of the throne. ” Lie down slave, face upwards”, I did as ordered and when in place she attached my collar and leash to a special ring and then slid the whole bench backwards so my servile face was directly under the chair of the throne, and in turn directly under the magnificent ass of my Stapana. All that separated my face from Her superior bottom was a wooden circular opening that could be opened in two halves from the centre. My heart beat at 100km an hour. My cock and balls were now also exposed to my Stapana, so she could simply lean forward and hit them with her crop, torture them with an implement or simple squeeze my balls tightly in her fist. She chose to attach a silver ring around the base of my scrotum, to this was attached a mini ball leash with which She could tug at any time and make my ball sack and cock rise up as She wanted.
I sat below my Stapanas seat for many minutes trembling in anticipation, finally She slid open the circular wooden door on the dest of the throne and commanded “You will worship my latex clad ass slave r, I know this is what you dream about when you gaze at all my photos, isn’t that right my property”? … “Yes Stapana, Your bottom is the centre of my world, I long to be allowed to worship one of your most private places”….”tut tut slave r, do you really think I would let your filthy slave tongue touch my divine asshole? I enjoy being rimmed but it is only for a very special select few, the right has to be earned, you are far way from that place, now enough talk, plant kisses all over my latex clad backside, and when I ring this little bell I want you to change to licking the crack of my latex clad ass, imagine there is no latex there’ and then you will alternate between the two, DO IT NOW!”
I set to work planting kisses all over my Stapanas beautiful latex clad behind, I was in seventh heaven, my cock lurched freely of its own accord, and occasionally Stapana would stop reading her book and swat my cock with her crop if it was twitching too much, she didnt want me to cum involuntarily and make a mess on myself. Finally I heard the tinkle of the bell and I alternated to long strokes of my tongue running up the length of her zipper that ran from her crotch at the front to above her ass at the back. I could smell her pussy through the latex and also longed to taste her and run my slave tongue over her clit and pussy lips…As I licked at her ass crack through the latex i could smell the sweet musky aroma of her divine asshole, I would have given up everything in that moment to be allowed to thrust my slavish tongue deep into her rectum to show the extent of my devotion. I was close to delirium, But also i was at peace under the ass of my living Goddess.
“Use your teeth to unzip the zipper of my catsuit slave , but by no means are you allowed to touch any part of my divine pussy or ass with that wretched tongue of yours. If you do I will banish you forthwidth and you will never see me again, it is a test of your willpower and devotion to me your high priestess and living Goddess”.
My mind was in utter turmoil, here was I presented with my Stapanas divine anus only an inch from my face. I used my teeth and pulled the zipper from front to back, it parted to expose Stapanas beautiful shaved pussy and her asshole, I pushed my face as close as possible and allowed her two amazing ass cheeks to part on either side of my face so I was completely smothered by her backside but still without touching her in any way, I inhaled deeply breathing in as much scent as possible from the ass of my Goddess, I was close to fainting now, my cock jumping if its own accord and Stapana laughing and swatting away at my cock with her crop, ” you like that don’t you slave r, you are addicted to my magnificent ass, yet strong in that you did as instructed and resisted the urge to lick my divine asshole. actually I probably would like someone to lick me fully clean down there but it won’t be you slave, oh that would be too easy” We stayed like this for a long while, Stapana reading her book and I her slave smothered happily beneath her ass, she swatted my cock occasionally and rang the bell to change my worship tongue stroke. I was finally at peace under the cheeks of my living Goddess, I could have spent an eternity there!
But all good things come to an end and Stapana growing bored, said “ok slave you have earned some release, you look like you are in a trance down there, ha ha my latex ass licking robot”…she closed the circular queening hatch in the throne and pulled me out from under her and at the same time untethering my collar, She now had the leash from my neck collar in one hand and the mini scrotum leash in the other, she tugged on the ball leash and my balls and cock rose up, and She could steer me wherever she wished. ” I have you by the balls slave” she laughed. “Now I am going to present my right boot to you, you have 2 minutes to jerk your load onto its toe and then you will lick every inch of your mess off it, if you can’t cum within 2 minutes, you won’t be allowed to cum for a month., quick get wanking slave, this will be your first and last proper orgasm, after this they will all be ruined by me., quick wank for me slave r, DO IT NOW!”….Stapana was loving every minute of this and laughed as I dropped to my knees and started furiously pulling at my cock , it didnt take me Long to feel myself about to shoot, how would it take longer sorrounded by this Goddess! Finally I let out a low groaning moan like some kind of caged animal and shot a massive load of spunk all over the right boot of my Stapana, my eyes rolled back in my head, and all the while Stapana was looking at me with a cruel smile on her face, as if she was examining some kind of creature in a laboratory experiment. I was spent and collapsed to the floor at the foot of my Goddess. I heard a tapping, it was the crop being tapped above my spunk load on my Dominas boot end. ” clean up your mess now slave, I want every last drop licked up by you and eaten”. I immediately obeyed and kneeled down and started to lap up my own pool of cum off her boot like a dog. I hated the salty taste but licked and ate the whole mess for her. Her boot was as bright and polished looking as before….”Good boy, whenever u cum, you will be required to consume your own mess, we can’t have slaves running around all over the place squirting their seed here there and everywhere like some kind of Tom cat, the slaves cock and ejaculations need to be totally controlled and kept to a strict milking regime”.
One last thing slave r before you are dismissed, you witnessed me climaxing earlier when I fucked you up the ass, to see me have an orgasm is a rare privilege usually only granted to my special inner circle. You are still a slave in training so the femdom universe has to be righted, the yin and yang rebalanced. “Follow me” She ordered and she tugged harshly on my ball leash, I quickly followed on all fours. She pulled back a curtain I hadn’t even noticed on the far wall and we entered a shower area, there was a sink, a bidet, a toilet and a shower. ” kneel in the shower stall slave r” my Stapana commanded, I obeyed like a good doggy. ” lie on the tiles in the stall face up mouth open”…. Said my Goddess. ” You called me your high priestess earlier, so now I am going to baptise you. you will be anointed with my divine urine, your new religion is ME, Mistress Ezada Sinn”. My Stapana stood above me, hands on hips,she had unzipped the catsuit again so she had free reign. I waited slave face turned towards her crotch, waiting for her divine golden stream. Eventually Stapana parted her legs a bit more and crouched over my face, a torrent of her Goddess piss suddenly erupted all over my head and face…”drink it all slave, it is divine” I heard from above, Mistress Ezada huskily say. I caught as much as possible in my mouth and gulped it down, the rest covered my hair, head and the rest of my servile body. Finally the torrent subsided except for a few last drops, my Stapana wiped herself quickly with a tissue and then forced it into my mouth. “eat my piss wipe also slave, consume all I order you to”. With that She was gone leaving me in a puddle of her divine urine in the shower stall. “Clean up all this mess and shower yourself slave, you stink of piss, blood, cum, sweat and ass, not the most pleasant of smells, ha ha. But you have done well, I am impressed my your dedication. The training will continue ” ….”thank you many times my Goddess, that is all i want in this world, to be your worthy slave”.. This first evening serving my new owner I had been whipped, ass fucked, Queened and pissed on, it was alot to take in but if it brought me nearer to my Stapana I would endure anything. I heard the dungeon door close and then the key turn in the lock. I set to work cleaning up.” (To be continued)
Picture by Mr_sS. Location: Hoxton Dungeon in London
i will never again serve any other Mistress, unless You have sold me to Her. It is Your right to do that, because i am just an object for You, a piece of property to be used or discarded. But i pray that You will always be satisfied with my submission and slavery to You, and will never wish to sell me.
The chastity device holds my manhood 24/7 in its grip, Your grip. I think constantly of the key, worn as a trophy on Your necklace, or, more probably on a key ring in Your handbag, with the keys to so many other slaves. It makes me feel owned, helpless under Your total power over me. Escape is impossible, and i think You know already that i no longer have the power or will even to try to escape from You. Stiti totul, Stapana.
i understand every day more what it means to be Your slave. my cock is Yours. But every other part of my body is also Yours now, Stapana. Every part of me is under Your rule, and can on Your command be made to serve You.
Stapana, i enjoy so much the new position You taught me, prostrate and spreadeagled, with tongue to the floor, symbolically cleaning the ground on which You have walked. This is a also very painful position for a slave wearing a tight and rigid chastity device, which makes my twice daily worship ritual even more sacrificial. Of course i do not feel the physical sting of Your whip on my to back to encourage my devotion, but there are times, more and more frequent, when i do inside my head hear the crack of Your whip and feel the searing pain of its sting.
Your absolute power is slowly reaching all parts of my brain, Stapana. i am totally Yours now. Use me as You will, my Goddess.
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