The power of the invisible collar
I know how much My slave s. adores Me. he send Me proves of submission, love and obedience from all over Europe (see the naked in public pictures). he wanted to tell everybody who follows Me his story. So here it is:
I met the Great Goddess Ezada Sinn 17 months ago in Bucharest.
During my first session, Mistress put me a collar and a leash for a private session in her keep. Something new for me and very strong emotionally.
At the end She put it off.
Then I got the honor to spend some week-ends somewhere in Europe at her feet.
Every time the same ritual to put back the collar : when I met her, She indicates by a special sign : hand open then closed in a fist.
During my first session, Mistress put me a collar and a leash for a private session in her keep. Something new for me and very strong emotionally.
At the end She put it off.
Then I got the honor to spend some week-ends somewhere in Europe at her feet.
Every time the same ritual to put back the collar : when I met her, She indicates by a special sign : hand open then closed in a fist.
You could find more details about this sacred ceremony ( position-manual-for- submissive-males-position-3- collaring/).
Because It’s a very special ceremony, a sacrament (I am not a religious believer but an Ezadasinnism believer).
The feeling when you live this transformation is so intense and You have a strange feeling, because in one side you feel that your Mistress take all the control on your body and mind, so it means that it’s very exciting and sensual but in the other side it means that you give the total control of your life, of your liberty to HER EMPRESS. So it’s also a frightening time mentally and it requires a huge confidence and trust that you give to HER. But it’s also that which symbolize a fusion.
The feeling when you live this transformation is so intense and You have a strange feeling, because in one side you feel that your Mistress take all the control on your body and mind, so it means that it’s very exciting and sensual but in the other side it means that you give the total control of your life, of your liberty to HER EMPRESS. So it’s also a frightening time mentally and it requires a huge confidence and trust that you give to HER. But it’s also that which symbolize a fusion.
The collar stayed in place longer and longer after each week-end. And from now I keep all the time we spend together : at the restaurant, at the hotel, in the museum, in the city,…
I cannot explain you How much I am afraid each time when we visit protected museum with X-Ray control (the collar is in metal). If it rings. I will have to show it to everybody and to explain to the guards why I can’t put off in front of the Mistress laugh’s.
I cannot explain you How much I am afraid each time when we visit protected museum with X-Ray control (the collar is in metal). If it rings. I will have to show it to everybody and to explain to the guards why I can’t put off in front of the Mistress laugh’s.
I remembered in Firenza (Italy), in front of Palazio Vecchio, She forced me to kneel down in front of everybody to kiss her Boots (I let You imagine how many people are on this place during the Easter week-end). Then She put my collar on my shirt. So no doubt for the public around me to see that I am the submissive of the Beautiful Fatale woman they have seen and admired.
I was ashamed, humiliated (put my eyes down looking my shoes) but also I start to feel a pride.
I was ashamed, humiliated (put my eyes down looking my shoes) but also I start to feel a pride.
I have a lot of magic time I could narrate You.
But the most important, i think are the following : When My Mistress will give me back My liberty, when she will put off My collar. Everytime, i have this nightmare or maybe this hidden dream to keep it forever.
Sometimes, She wants to afarid me by : forgetting the key of the collar at her Keep, loosing the key, leaving the collar until our next trip.
Everytime, She saw my fear, my anxiety in my eyes when She Told me :
“I don’t know where I put the key. It’s not a problem, I will leave You like that”. Looking in HER eyes, I could infer her sadistic smile. I never dare to ask My Goddess if She did it intentionally to test me, to provocate me, to belittle me so that to show that Her Power is Uncompromising. And She explain me without words that She own my life, my body as long as She want. I don’t know but at the deepest point of my mind,
But the most important, i think are the following : When My Mistress will give me back My liberty, when she will put off My collar. Everytime, i have this nightmare or maybe this hidden dream to keep it forever.
Sometimes, She wants to afarid me by : forgetting the key of the collar at her Keep, loosing the key, leaving the collar until our next trip.
Everytime, She saw my fear, my anxiety in my eyes when She Told me :
“I don’t know where I put the key. It’s not a problem, I will leave You like that”. Looking in HER eyes, I could infer her sadistic smile. I never dare to ask My Goddess if She did it intentionally to test me, to provocate me, to belittle me so that to show that Her Power is Uncompromising. And She explain me without words that She own my life, my body as long as She want. I don’t know but at the deepest point of my mind,
i started to love it. To love HER more more simply.
Finally, She found the key… this time.
Finally, She found the key… this time.

I have a lack of energy, strength to be the best in my life.
Even if I have a lot of interesting projects in my professionnal life, I have the impression to be lost, i don’t know here I am and which direction I choose.
I need a guide. This guide is the leash attached to my collar that holds the hand of Mistress Ezada.
With this guide, i receive a lot of energy, a lot of attention, of complicity and I am ready to do everything in my life and of course in my submissive life to My Goddess.
After several weeks of thoughts, I told me that I feel this guide everyday, from far but I feel it a little bit. I feel an unvisible collar around my neck. I understood why I need to kneel down, naked in public, in front of beautiful landscape and to stay in waiting position. These moments are fleeting but I feel my mistress pulling my leash and forcing my collar to show that she don’t forget me, and even if we are separated by thousands of miles, I’m still under HER yoke and power. It’s a unique feeling. I adore it, it became a necessity, vitality for me.
To be honest, I dream every night and beg my Mistress each day during my daily prior so that the leash is becoming shorter and shorter, and for our next trip/meeting, She forget the key forever.
Be collared, more specifically by Mistress EZADA collar is not also an Humiliation, a submissive act, a powerful act, a sensual act, it is now a huge pride, great joy, indescribable happiness and a unique bond between HER and me.
I was convinced that offer, on my knees, the ring on the Mistress Ezada’s finger was the best proof of love for our D/s relationship; but I didn’t know that wearing Ezada’s collar with dignity and humility every day was the best in my life. Nothing on earth worth this honour and love.
I was convinced that offer, on my knees, the ring on the Mistress Ezada’s finger was the best proof of love for our D/s relationship; but I didn’t know that wearing Ezada’s collar with dignity and humility every day was the best in my life. Nothing on earth worth this honour and love.
Your faithful slave with Your unvisible collar
21.05.2014 @ 23:21
Weird. This is what i just wrote, just in other words. And i had not read this before. As i said: we are all the same. Interchangeable really.
21.05.2014 @ 23:47
What a great insight in how another devotee of The Goddess grows in his admiration and pride. he describes how his “session Mistress” in no time can only be regarded and experienced as the Supreme Presence, even is She is not there.
Enjoyed reading it!
25.08.2014 @ 11:47
Oh! My Goddess I want to be your Toilet-Slave, kneeling before your Devine feet, obediently, worship your Devine feet and be most submissive slave under your commands in total submission of my body and mind. Live eating all your Sacred and holy SHITT at your mercy dedicate my self for the torture to the fun and pleasure of my Goddess. My Goddess please make me your toilet commode Tease me as you wish fix a chastity cage to my tiny little cock and make me a cuckold humiliate and disgrace me as you wish thrash me as you like but please let me be your most obedient, dedicated devoted and faithful doggy slave under your feet myGODDESS
14.12.2014 @ 02:57
My Goddess Ezada! With my tiny little Cock locked in chastity cage and key with my Goddess after totally milking till dry hanging like deflated balloon as I kneel before my Goddess with total obedience, awaiting for commands to serve my Goddess. People around laughing at me. My Goddess Commands with a whip, thrashing me to place my mouth under her holy ASS and lick till she SHITTS in my Throat. With gratitude for having the opportunity of eating the sacred SHITT, I humbly start licking deep into her holy ASS . A sudden flush of SHIT falls in my throat and I swallow it eagerly to satiate my hunger. After all I am her slave living eating only SHITT as my FOOD. My Goddess EZADA ordered to live eating SHITT of her and all her co-Dominos. I am blessed by Goddess to eat SHITT of all her friends at their mercy, after having served them as a Slave and getting tortured for their fun and pleasure. slaves like me are are born to serve them and earn my Food of HOLY SHITT at their mercy. I am used as a Poney by all to ride over me to move paces. Every week my Cock is totally Milked till dry while daily my ass and mouth fucked with large STRAPON and my Cock and Balls busted. I am also made sissy boy and cuckold, suck cocks and lick CUM. blessed to lick the menses fluids of mistresses. As her Slave with permanent cooler round my neck hooked to chain I must fallow my Mistress holding chin like her doggy. I must be careful while a mistress uses me as PONEY to carry her in moving places riding me. Permanent marking on my face and body with tattoo reading ” TOILET-SLAVE OF GODDESS EZADA” has bee made, and I must be nude and always on my knees with totally shaved head and face (including Eye-Brows)
Sagar Skave
31.07.2015 @ 08:54
My Goddess is Mistress Ezada and I am born to be her Toilet Slave, to serve my Goddess. Faithful,Devoted and most
Submissive Toilet SlaveI am kneeling humbly before the holy feet is my fortune. Submission and total surrender to her for the torture and pain for my Goddesses Pleasure and fun gives me my daily feed of Holy and sacred shit of my Goddess. I can satiate my hunger only with SHITT of my Goddess. I have to earn my bellyful of SHITT at the mercy of my Goddess
Sagar slave
19.11.2016 @ 07:44
My Goddess Ezada! With my tiny little Cock locked in chastity cage and key with my Goddess after totally milking till dry hanging like deflated balloon as I kneel before my Goddess with total obedience, awaiting for commands to serve my Goddess. People around laughing at me. My Goddess Commands with a whip, thrashing me to place my mouth under her holy ASS and lick till she SHITTS in my Throat. With gratitude for having the opportunity of eating the sacred SHITT, I humbly start licking deep into her holy ASS . A sudden flush of SHIT falls in my throat and I swallow it eagerly to satiate my hunger. After all I am her slave living eating only SHITT as my FOOD. My Goddess EZADA ordered to live eating SHITT of her and all her co-Dominos. I am blessed by Goddess to eat SHITT of all her friends at their mercy, after having served them as a Slave and getting tortured for their fun and pleasure. slaves like me are are born to serve them and earn my Food of HOLY SHITT at their mercy. I am used as a Poney by all to ride over me to move paces. Every week my Cock is totally Milked till dry while daily my ass and mouth fucked with large STRAPON and my Cock and Balls busted. I am also made sissy boy and cuckold, suck cocks and lick CUM. blessed to lick the menses fluids of mistresses. As her Slave with permanent cooler round my neck hooked to chain I must fallow my Mistress holding chin like her doggy. I must be careful while a mistress uses me as PONEY to carry her in moving places riding me. Permanent marking on my face and body with tattoo reading ” TOILET-SLAVE OF GODDESS EZADA” has bee made, and I must be nude and always on my knees with totally shaved head and face (including Eye-Brows)
Sagar Skave 31.07.2015 @ 08:54
My Goddess is Mistress Ezada and I am born to be her Toilet Slave, to serve my Goddess. Faithful,Devoted and most Submissive Toilet SlaveI am kneeling humbly before the holy feet is my fortune. Submission and total surrender to her for the torture and pain for my Goddesses Pleasure and fun gives me my daily feed of Holy and sacred shit of my Goddess. I can satiate my hunger only with SHITT of my Goddess. I have to earn my bellyful of SHITT at the mercy of my Goddess