After being finally accepted as the true chattel and slave of the supreme Mistress Ezada, my daily slave life settled into a routine of sorts. The essence of my servitude was exactly that, to serve my Stapana as a living Goddess. I was her slave, She owned me and could do with me as She wished.
There were three basic pillars of servitude on which my submission was based;
#1- Whipping. I was whipped on an almost daily basis, this was to discipline me for any minor infraction I had perpetrated either real or invented by My Stapana. It was also to remind me I was mere goods to Her and She could mark me as She wished, anytime day or night on a whim. I learned to love the lash, and now looked forward to receiving the stinging pain for Her and wore the red welt of Her whip on my skin with pride.
#2 – Chasity was the 2nd pillar of servitude I adhered to on a daily basis. My pubic hair area was now shaved, and I wore a locked chasity device over my flacid cock. The key My Goddess wore around Her neck as a constant reminder that She was the gatekeeper of my genitals. My male member and testicles belonged to Her now absolutely. She decided when I was allowed to cum, either to ejaculate in Her honour in a worship ritual or simply to milk me for health reasons. I was either allowed to quickly jerk off onto the toe of Her magnificent boot, or She would wank me expertly to the brink of release, stopping at the last moment, hence ruining the orgasm, but spilling my slave seed all the same. If time permitted She would peg me with one of Her many strapons, massaging my aching Slave prostate until I shot my load via anal massage. This was my favourite means of release as my slave cock wasn’t touched at all during the act. Needless to say I was required to ingest my own mess after any of these milking sessions, there was to be no sign of any man cum anywhere, floors, boot tips and other surfaces were to be licked spotless. These releases became less frequent as my training increased, with the emphasis now more on servitude NOT play. My balls were constantly full and swollen, my brain was in a femdom fog, every action controlled by my Stapana.
#3 – Boot worship. This became an increasingly important ritual between myself and my High Priestess. To simply be allowed to kneel before Her and run my slave tongue over Her magnificent boot cemented the heirarchy in Her Royal court. My rightful place was below and beneath Her, licking the dirt off the bottom of Her sole if permitted. These prolonged boot worship sessions strengthened my slave tongue, now hardly used to talk at all, but simply to lick and clean as ordered by my Stapana. After collapsing exhausted at Her feet after many hours of boot adoration my Goddess would let me recover, Her feet resting on my back, the slave as convenient footstool for Her glorious feet, but also reinforcing the fact that I was just an object in Her eyes, nothing more.
This evolution of the male chattel into human furniture under the boot of my Stapana, turned into many hours of experimentation as to the best use of the humble slave around the home. I was used as a human coat rack, a male book shelf, a man table holding coffee cups and saucers…. But inevitably it ended in a whipping for me as a lot of these positions were impractical and unsustainable.
Eventually my Mistress took to using my face as a human cushion, my face was now Her seat and was under Her ass for many hours as She read, or watched a movie or chatted to one of Her Domina friends on her mobile She would casually mention that She was at that moment Queening Her property under Her Royal ass, that he was the luckiest slave in the world to be allowed to be under there. As I was discussed as if I didnt exist as a person at all, She would shift Her weight so Her asshole was right on my mouth blocking any air I might breathe. Usually I would revel in the fact that my Stapanas divine asshole was on my servile mouth, but now I could barely breathe, as I thrashed about beneath Her i could hear them both laughing at my predicament my Stapana adding that I hadn’t been fed since yesterday and if I was very lucky I would be fed directly from her magnificent bottom. Unfortunately although I begged Her this did not happen, although occasionally and more frequently She pissed directly in my mouth, to quench my thirst but also do She didn’t have to get up to go to the bathroom, why should She? when She had Her own personal toilet right there…under Her ass .
I was fed mashed up food from a bowl at Her feet, I had to lick and feed from both Her feet in turn, or else She fed me like a dog, having to beg and then jump to catch the food, then licking her gloved hand clean.
As my Stapana controlled when and what I ate, She devised ever more devilish and ingenious ways of humiliating me. Her favourite was to order me to cook Her a nice nutritious meal. I would wait on Her, pouring Her wine and changing the cutlery, all the while chained, then forced to kneel at Her feet when not required. She would snap Her fingers and I would assume the ashtray position, slave mouth open to receive. ..,but instead of cigarette ash She would drip a mouthful of half chewed good from Her own mouth into my own. The humiliation was intense, She was telling me that I was only fit to receive Her half masticated food, the scraps from Her very mouth combined with her spit, but I ate it all as ordered, simply a vessel for Her waste, and I thanked Her for it, for keeping me Her property alive, so I could livecto serve Her for yet another day…
(to be continued)