sit meets his Goddess – Chapter 5: Of Protocol and Humiliation

“I am a proud collared slave of the Goddess that I consider to be the world’s leading Female Supremacist, the amazing Mistress Ezada Sinn. My Mistress is my vocation in life and my life is full of physical reminders of Her glory. In my bedroom I have beautiful framed photographs so that my last image at night and my first image in the morning is of my Owner. Mental chastity, following Her on various social media outlets, reading Her blog, undertaking Her tasks and buying Her amazing clips are all physical means of showing devotion and a desire to serve the ultimate Mistress.
Through Her tasks Mistress also likes to create more subliminal triggers of devotion, submission and arousal. This is a real life story of a task She set me recently which serves perfectly to illustrate the subtlety of this point. Mistress instructed me to purchase 2 large tubs of Her favourite yogurt. By definition that same brand is now my favourite yogurt! I was instructed to pour some yogurt into a dog bowl, release myself from mental chastity, kneel and jerk off all over the the yogurt whilst watching one of Her clips. I then had to eat the mixture of yogurt and cum from the bowl like a dog until it was all consumed. This process was to be repeated on 5 occasions over a 2 weeks period.
Now every time I see that brand of yogurt, in a shop or in an advertisement and even when I am eating it normally it triggers in such a sublime way feelings of submission and arousal and of such deep devotion to my most incredible Owner. And I just know that those feelings and emotions will engulf me the next time I see Mistress eating yogurt. I imagine She will have a little smile to Herself knowing that the simple act of eating some yogurt is having such an effect on Her subject. Such is the wondrous power and control of the incredibly beautiful Mistress Ezada Sinn.”
From the training of My collared slave “licker len”
Wanking at My pictures and then writing Me to tell Me how good it was is not submission. Begging for a release every day is selfish. My collared slaves know the rules – emptying their balls (My balls!) from time to time is not a question of self-indulgent pleasure. It is Me who gives them this pleasure, when I want and how I want (it is always part of a more or less complex ritual). This pleasure that I allow them to feel now and then is a reminder of their submission to Me, the power I have over their minds and bodies.
The text you can read below is from one of My collared slaves. he was allowed to cum after 3 months of chastity. I underline the key phrases that can help you, My followers to understand the right way to worship Me, to submit to Me.
“My Goddess,
Your slave wishes to report that it has obeyed Your order to empty Your balls.
It was done this morning after a long ceremony of worship lasting more than one hour.
For preparation I watched Your film “300”, whilst kneeling naked and still in chastity before the screen. Within moments I was spreadeagled flat on the floor, with arms and legs spread wide in homage to You. This film always has a very powerful effect on me. The slave waiting locked in his small cage, collared and in chastity, waiting for his owner to appear, reminds me of my own state, locked in chastity by You since July. i always tremble with fear when You appear, so awesome and powerful in the black leather skirt and boots, the coiled whip in Your hand. The way Your slave has to kiss Your boots and lick the soles to show his submission makes me want so desperately to be in his place, beneath Your boots where I belong.
i watched the film twice through, wincing in sympathy with Your slave with every stroke of Your whip, yet with every stroke falling deeper into a submissive trance.
Several times i almost came inside the chastity device, but it was so painful that i had to force myself to hold back.
Then, whilst continuously reciting out loud my slave mantra, i knelt up and removed Your chastity lock. Your cock swelled up immediately in grateful salute to enjoy its brief moment of freedom. i played then the second clip, praying to Goddess Ezada Sinn.
i cannot explain, my Goddess, how devoted and submissive to You I felt in this moment. it felt like i was really in Your presence, prostrate before Your throne, pledging lifelong submission and obedience to You, as You sat triumphantly above me, smiling in the knowledge of yet another conquered male, totally at Your mercy. i just kept repeating my mantra louder and louder, the intensity and passion of my submission and worship growing all the time as i tried to push myself deeper into the carpet. When at last the crescendo of my worship came, Your balls were emptied in a few short but very powerful pulses, and it was over.
I lay still for perhaps 10 minutes more, kissing the floor in gratitude and devotion, imagining that You, my Goddess, were standing over me, and that i was cleaning Your boots with my tongue in abject and grateful submission.
i have just now taken a shower and washed Your property very carefully before putting it back in its prison, where it will remain until at least November and probably far beyond.
This is what i have learned from You, Goddess, that You have absolute power over me, and that obeying You, serving You, suffering for You and worshipping You are the only things that matter.
i feel relaxed and relieved, but not free, as usually I have done in the past after sexual release. i feel now even more obedient and devoted to You. i don’t want to be free. i want to be Your slave. i want to serve You. i want to worship at Your feet and to suffer for You in order to please You.
Freedom has no more meaning.
i know that in future, if You ever allow me to cum again, that it can only ever take place as an act of worship and submission to You, never again as an act of self-indulgent pleasure. I feel like You have re-programmed me, that i am becoming just an extension of Your Will, and yet I know also that i am only at the beginning of my life under Your domination.
My Goddess, thank You so much for Your mercy in granting Your slave this temporary relief. i understand now that there is no chance of escaping from Your power. You understand me better than I know myself, and know exactly how to control me with just a few words, even from afar. Your power is truly awesome and i bow in submission before it. There is no other way.
i worship You, Sublime Goddess Ezada”
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