Story based on real facts, written by My collared slave purcelus
This session was filmed with the camera on a tripod, so you can watch it here.

“We are visiting Andalucia for a week-end. This day, we explored Malaga under rain. At 5 P.M we took the car to go to our hotel close to Marbella. On the road, Mistress Ezada slept and I watched how beautiful she is when She is sleepy. I am thinking also to our rest time in the hotel, pampering my Goddess by preparing her bath, massing her feets, applying Body shop cream on her whole skin.
After the check-in and a little rest in the room: my Goddess was checking her e-mails and in the same time, she used me as her footstool. She didn’t need to ask me – I put me in Waiting position close to her feets, and She just need to put their legs on my back. Now, after more than 2 years of D/s relationship, She trained me so well than I feel when she need footstool, doormat,… She didn’t speak, she nearly doesn’t use signs. It’s the meaning of true complicity by using our body and facial language.
We ate something at the restaurant of the hotel. I remembered that I felt bad at my belly, maybe I took a little cold after one day with feets full of water.
We go back to the room.
She speaks with a calm but determined voice:
“Strip off”.
I wore all day her panties: tights and string. It was funny because during our visit in Alcazaba of Malaga, we made a picture together, me kissing her divine boots and Her admiring the view on the harbor; we could see my string goes up of my trousers, like a real bitch, the Ezada’s bitch simply. These moments when I am naked in waiting position are always “frightening” but also exciting. I don’t know what my Mistress will do. But I know that whatever She will decide, I will enjoy it.
She told me so sensually with a little sadistic ton of voice:
“My bitch, humiliation is not enough. you will learn how to take My whip!” And she finished by talking, looking into my eyes :
“I will whip you hard, My slave”. She close a little bit her black shining eyes at the end of these words. I love it when she “provokes me” like that. She already beat me “psychologically”. The power of words and power of a glance, of Her eyes, it gives you chills and excites you with no comparison.
She tied my hands under the table to avoid to move too much. The strokes start, more and more, more and faster, stronger and stronger. I didn’t count them, but She hit my back most of the time. To be honest, I prefer when she hit this part than my ass. For different reasons, I think that it’s more elegant to perform it on my back, I am stronger on this part and it’s more humiliating for me if I want to go to the pool after. Finally, I love to admire the marks in my mirror every morning and evening after the end of our trip.
I try to take as much as I can. My Mistress applies the whip at the perfection and she starts to give me strokes with full force. For me, I was so concentrated to receive it, so I can’t look into her eyes when she whips me. But I could hear Her light cries of pleasure, and that’s what gave me the extra energy to continue. For me during this whipping time, I felt that I was not so good and I was thinking that my Mistress will not be satisfied at the end. Maybe because I want to please Her as Much as possible.
My Mistress makes some little break and asks me to sniff Her pussy, to sniff Her wet pussy. It’s one of the most impressive feelings for a man to see Her Goddess have pleasure by using you. And Her smell is exquisite. Maybe because I am a little fetishist of Her divine “odors”. I love to sniff, clean and lick her armpits, ass, feet, full of Her unique sweat.
Her wet pussy gives me the little plus of energy to receive the last strokes, of course the hardest. Not because my Mistress want to finish me, but because, more I sniff and transform my nose into a vibrator for Her clitoris, She becomes more and more excited, and she wants more & more. Moreover my screams are the proof of Her love. It means that She whip me not only for a sadistic pleasure but also to show me Her love from the tip of her whip. She loves to make me cry by whipping my body, my cock or balls. Maybe for Her Sadistic pleasure, maybe because She knows that the most beautiful eyes are eyes full of tears as Edmond Rostand.
I remember this time, she asked me to change position, because I couldn’t keep the initial position. I was not fast and she beat me to show that even when a slave is under pressure, he has to follow instructions quickly. I was blocked with my hand under the table, so it was not so easy to switch lay down naked on the cold stones.
After whipping me in this position, She goes up, walk a little bit, with elegance and supremacy, then She comes back, tell me How She loves to see my back full of marks. She goes up on the table and looking into my eyes with Her sadistic smile, She bites her lip slightly. I adore it, this moment is unforgettable. I can admire her pupils deform: sign of the intense pleasure that goes into his body, with the sadistic smile meaning:
“I know that you are in pain, but I will beat you again and again for My pleasure, and I know that you will take it only to satisfy Me.”
The final of the whipping time was intense, more painful and the last lashes when my Mistress “cum” after using my nose closer to her puppy was so hard.
She whipped me with full force and she gritted Her teeth to have more strength. My Mistress doesn’t squirt this time. This feeling is wonderful to have your face full of Ezada’s juices. The most precious juice on earth! I was thinking that I was not enough good to receive the last sentence, honestly.
But when my Goddess arrives to unlock my hands around the table, I thank Her with love by kissing her high heels. I discover on the ground some blood. I asked Her: “it’s coming from ?”
She answer me by laughing: “From your back”.
I was proud, proud to be able to take whip until little blood. The first time with this result. And I was anxious about “my performance”. My goddess, once time more found the situation, the attitude to lead me where She want. It was difficult to regain his senses after this first bloody whipping, but I was already eager to have my back full of blood next time.
Honestly, last whip lashes were difficult to support it but I will never, never say stop to my Mistress, for
3 reasons:
– I never want to disappoint her
– my body belongs to Her, so She can do whatever she want with.
– She stops every time at the right time! She is a true Goddess, She knows me very well, She knows my feeling, She knows my soul. She find every time the trigger to push my limits a little bit more than last time and to stop just few lashes, or kicks, or minutes later. It the same when She milk me, She knows exactly when I will cum at the right second. Which Wife or girlfriend is able to do that?
Mistress Ezada is a sensational Mistress, She push me even further, she lead me everywhere, to unknown locations, in more painful and humiliating ways, but I am confident at 200% in Her mind and acts.
And Her too is confident in me to be able to overcome my limits for Her pleasure.
It was an intense whipping, the first one not for a punishment but for the Pleasure, for Her pleasure, only for our pleasure. Because when My Mistress is pleased, I am also pleased. Nothing is more intense that to be able to make your Mistress “cum”.
When I met Her 2 years ago, I hate whips and I was not able to be horny when she beats me, now it’s different ;). Yes, I love it owing to Her. I am excited just by written the first part of this evening…
Yes because with My Mistress, a short whipping is not enough to please her, She will use me until exhaustion. The tiredness doesn’t exist when you worship your Goddess. It’s a hard paradise.
You will read the following minutes of this unforgettable evening in my next “bulletin”.
Ezada’s donkey, property & slave of Mistress Ezada“