How eager had he been My little German slave to come to see and serve Me in Bucharest, finally, after having spent so much time in his aroused isolation, locked in My mental chastity.
So when I announced to him that he was allowed to come to see Me just to beg for even more time in chastity in front of Me, on his knees, he did not take Me really serious I think. he did not yet know Me that well back then. he should have known better…
W/we were in the city, downtown. Walking through the streets in the sun. Before W/we had left My studio, I had applied an enema to him that then over time caused so much discomfort in his belly. It introduced utter turmoil to his poor bowels… An irrestible urge to empty himself.
While he was walking on My left, just half a step behind Me as the protocol requests, he could hardly move. But I just walked on and on, chatting with him so cheerfully, pretending not to notice how he felt yet knowing so well. To pour even moe gasoline into the fire burning within him, I started caressing My own breasts as I walked, stroking them so tenderly through the satin blouse …
he did wear an anal plug that was fixed into him perfectly so it just could not be removed … it stuck there immovable … sealed him off completely.
The anal plug just had a very little tiny hole in it that would allow only the the smallest pass through … and relief … So the urge to release himself just would not stop … only so torturing slowly …. his helplessness did arouse and excite Me too much to tell … and when I looked into his eyes, I saw everything there, the humilation, the lust, the submission, the craving, the pain, just as if one is taking a shower and the water is icecold and burning hot same time.
he was begging and pleading me to help and release him. But I was only laughing at him, laughing this laugh that I knew did drive him crazy, … an innocent young girl totally aroused by her own cruelty, by her control, by her power … I threw back My head and played with My hair with My long bronze fingers … I just could not help it, having so much fun with My suffering puppy.
“you know what you have to do to make Me stop this” I purred, teasing him. “Just the right little plea and I will let pop the corks…” he could not take it any longer. So there he was, getting on his knees just in front of “Caru’ cu bere”, speaking those magic words that I had waited to hear in anticipation: “Please My Mistress, send me back to chastity, i will remain with My cock locked up, happily i will just as long as it pleases You, will remain as Your little chaste convent pupil, but please stop this, remove the plug, I am begging You please, my Mistress, please….”
For about a minute I let him kneel there, savouring every second of it. Never before in history has any man been so happy to finally see the restrooms of Caru’ cu bere I am sure.