It feels so good to see the effectiveness on My remote training of My subjects.
As i was following Your orders last night and worshipping You in the way You instructed, i reached a very intense mental state, overwhelmed with a sense of the deepest submission to You. i lay on the floor, naked except for my collar and chastity device. my arms and legs were spread wide, the palms of my hands turned upwards. In my head was a dazzling image of You, seated regally on a throne, a coiled whip in Your hand.
As i repeated the mantra You prescribed, Your cock swelled within its confines, forced by its cage walls and by the weight of my prostrate body info an unnatural and painful contortion. The pain only increased my sense of total surrender to You and i found myself repeating the mantra louder and louder, and extending it into what became after 15 or so minutes the following prayer.
“Mistress Ezada Sinn, I submit unconditionally to You. i acknowledge Your total supremacy as a Woman. Your power over me is absolute and irresistible. i worship You, i belong to You alone, in body, mind and soul. To serve and obey You is the meaning and purpose of my life. i am Your property, Your prisoner, Your lifelong slave. This is my solemn and irrevocable oath“
All the time i had this very clear and dazzling image of You inside my head, seated on Your throne, looking down at me with that unique smile of satisfaction on Your face, satisfaction in the knowledge of another male slave conquered and collared, totally at Your mercy. You were wearing that red dress, the one from the home page of Your website, where You also wear that same knowing and triumphant smile as Your flex a riding crop in Your hands. This was the image which first captivated me and caused me to take those first steps which lead now to my total slavery to You. The Lady in Red who is now my Goddess.
Stapana, this was the mental state You put me in when You gave those orders last night. This is the kind of power You can exercise with just a few words of text casually written from a distance of 2000km! i cannot conceive the depths of submission and slavery I will reach next week when You are reality in my eyes, not merely in my head, when my tongue is abjectly cleaning the soles of Your boots, when Your whip is not merely coiled in Your hand, but is enforcing Your rule over me.
Stapana, if it might please or amuse You, i would like to perform this ritual “live” before You next week. It is already so real and meaningful to me. i would like to know how much more intense it can be when i am directly in Your divine presence.
i was so impressed last night by the power of the simple repetition of the three simple words “Mistress Ezada Sinn”. The sibilant alliterative effect of those words is somehow very hypnotic. After many repetitions these words alone carry in them the entire meaning and import of the complete prayer.
In the night I awoke several times with those words still on my lips. On waking just now this morning i was automatically repeating them quietly into my pillow.
As the intensity of these feelings grows stronger, they scream at me, demanding release. It is at moments like this when i understand most clearly why You keep Your slaves in continuous chastity, and when i feel most acutely Your inescapable power. I have the spare key, albeit sealed in an envelope with Your image and Your command on it. But it is impossible to use it, even in these moments. It is as though touching the key would deliver an instant and debilitating electric shock. i feel the lash of Your whip on my inner thighs, forcing my hand from the envelope and reminding me of my lowly status as Your slave. Disobedience is unthinkable !
i worship You, Stapana.
Your devoted 79“